The Accidental Yogi: What I Got Wrong About Yoga Volume One — Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect

The following was written by guest blogger Susan Heffern-Shelton, winner of our Facebook drawing for a free year of Yoga. Susan will be blogging here about her yearlong journey with us. Like most people, but probably not you, I have a flaw…

Reiki: Support for Health and Wellbeing

Reiki, a traditional Japanese energy healing technique, transfers the universal life force known as qi (chi) through a gentle, hands-on procedure. The objective of Reiki is to attain and maintain health through the balance of qi. Often,…

The Accidental Yogi: Winning a Year of Yoga Classes

The following was written by guest blogger Susan Heffern-Shelton, winner of our Facebook drawing for a free year of Yoga. Susan will be blogging here about her yearlong yoga journey with us. Now, please don’t go getting all intimidated…
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A Lump of Coal: The Worst Gifts Ever

‘Tis the season of giving!  We love giving gifts and watching reactions as people open them. But what if the gift you are given is the Worst. Gift. Ever. How do you try not to look shocked, saddened and disappointed?  We’ve collected…

How Do You Choose the Right Yoga Studio?

With so many Yoga studios to choose from, how do you decide which one is right for you? Especially if you’re just starting out, a lot of anxiety can accompany this decision. How will you fit in with a class of students who are all more…
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Making Yoga More Accessible: Chair Yoga Workshop Oct. 14

Yoga instructors: Better serve your growing client base. Learn how to teach yoga using a chair to make the practice accessible to those who have difficulty getting up from and down to the floor, or supporting their full body weight in the…

Join us Friday for ‘My Passage to India,’ with Beth Arnold

Travel to India is a bucket-list item for many people. It’s an incredible destination with opportunities for unique encounters with art, food, architecture, transportation, geography, culture and spirituality. No matter your experience, a…

Four fab books that should be on your summer reading list

Yay, summer! Time to grab a good book and head to the lake, the park, the beach or the backyard for an afternoon of bliss. Don’t know what to read? Below, Floating Lotus staff members share a few books we love. We think everyone will enjoy…