drawing of Frankenstein's monster

Scary Skin Care: Why These Treatments Aren’t as Frightening as They Seem

Some skin care procedures seem more frightening than a jump scare in a horror movie. Our skin care treatments are not at all terrifying once you understand them
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Meet Our 2021 Free Year of Yoga Winners

Welcome to our winners of a free year of Yoga: Ashley Bryan and Stephanie Woodbury! This year we decided to support two lucky winners because, with 2020 as hard as it was for most people, it was difficult to choose only one. We look…
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We Won’t Be Social Distancing Forever, So Keep Your Lashes In Great Shape!

Let’s face it: Lash therapy is all about chat-time with your lash stylist.  You have an hourlong, one-on-one convo about everything that is important to you, while you get a beauty treatment.  Of course, some of you get a wonderful nap…
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  Studio Before                Studio After It has been some time since I have written on our blog.  I have wanted to share my papers I wrote for teacher training with Shiva Rea, but I have always felt shy about sharing such intimate…

30 Day Vira Sadhana

Last night was a full moon and I have decided that I am feeling the pull of strength and power. This vibrational energy is perfect for a Vira Sadhana, a practice of strong asanas.  My 30 day mantra is one to Ganesh, may any obstacles…

Spring Renewal

Wow! It has been a year since I have written anything on The Floating Lotus blog.  It seems that with the expansion of the business I have been super busy.  Then Eric, my fiance, sells his house of 13 years so we may build our own…

Third Backbend

Today was a really nice day.  The time I spent at the studio was refreshing and I got some paperwork done.  However, sitting in a chair for six hours straight was something I am not use to doing.  My body was screaming for some…

Day Two

It felt great to groove to a few of my favorite beats today.  It was a hour before the 6:00 o'clock yoga class and I used my time wisely by warming up the shoulders and hips so that I could take my second picture.  Thank you,…

Vision Quest

Vision quest - a rite of passage in some Native American cultures.  I had a vision today about a little journey I would like to embark upon.  For those who know me I have had a really unsettling 2011.  It completely knocked me…