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Making Yoga More Accessible: Chair Yoga Workshop Oct. 14

Yoga instructors: Better serve your growing client base. Learn how to teach yoga using a chair to make the practice accessible to those who have difficulty getting up from and down to the floor, or supporting their full body weight in the…
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Buh-bye stress! Relaxation for the 5 senses

We all know we should learn to relax to reduce stress. Relaxation can ease anxiety, slow the heart rate and help you decompress. A recent study even shows that relaxation techniques can alter your genes' reactions, reducing blood pressure! Ready…

Challenge yourself! 4 benefits of taking your Yoga practice to a new level

Challenging yourself by expanding your Yoga practice not only brings new energy to your practice but also allows you to continue exploring what works for you. The Floating Lotus’ Yoga teacher training program helps you further develop your…
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Spring cleaning, inside and out

Time for spring cleaning! And we don’t mean just for your home – spring is also a great time to remove impurities from your body, mind and spirit. So, The Floating Lotus is offering a Deep Detox Flow Yoga workshop this week to help you do…
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More than washboard abs: 5 reasons building a strong core benefits you every day

We hear a lot about strengthening our core, but what does that really mean? An article on Harvard’s Healthbeat describes core muscles as “the sturdy central link in a chain connecting your upper and lower body.” A strong, flexible core…

Follow your Yoga passion

Want to deepen your yoga practice or become a Yoga instructor? Discover your potential and develop your skills at The Floating Lotus: Join us as we begin our fourth year of certified teacher training! The Floating Lotus offers two programs…
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What is cuddle yoga?

Most people have a general idea of what yoga is, whether they practice or not. But ask them about cuddle yoga, and you’ll probably get a lot of raised eyebrows. So, exactly what is cuddle yoga? Cuddle yoga combines the best of restorative…

The Eight Limbs of Yoga: An Introduction

Did you know that the physical practice of yoga is only a very small aspect of the true, greater yoga tradition? The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, which means “to join” or “to yoke.” Yoga is an ancient practice that…